How far are people willing to drive to the gym?

There are many factors to consider when building a gym. All I have to say is Location, Location, Location. It really does matter! The average distance a person is willing to travel to the gym is about 3.7 miles. But people are prepared to travel further to boutique gyms! Also, the mileage appears to be less of an issue if the gym is perceived as a higher-end facility; on average, that gym could get people traveling 5.7 miles.

According to Dstillery, a US consulting firm.

So if you are planning on building a gym in a certain community, do your research. Look over the location well and get to know the neighboring businesses, parking lots, and people who live there. Does that community align with your core values and business plans? If not, seriously consider a different location.

Just remember, no gym has all the things that motivate people to go. But maybe we can get you one more thing closer to helping members join and keep them coming back for more.

Don’t forget, while distance plays a large part in getting and retaining members, that is absolutely not the only piece to this puzzle. That will have to be its own blog, though.

So to recap, find a location that has potential, find out how many people live in a 6-mile radius of a location, get to know others in the area, build a strong community and if the location doesn’t line up with your plans and values, walk away. You are never failing; you are only becoming wiser. Failure isn’t on the table because you can learn the best life lessons along the way, and if learning is involved, then you are winning.


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