How to aim for holistic health.

Okay, but tell me more about how I can aim for holistic health.

  • Self-Help Books or Podcasts – Find books or listen to podcasts that are in line with your interests. Continuous learning reinforces the love for learning, which helps you grow and learn new things!

  • Personality Tests such as the Myers-Briggs or The Enneagram to explore the function of your behaviors and to understand the motivation behind your decisions or relationship choices.

  • Mental Health Therapy to further explore how childhood relationships and experiences have impacted your decisions and relationships today. It can provide support for ineffective thought or behavior patterns that cause disruption in your life.

  • Physical exercise such as cardio, weight lifting, swimming, yoga, etc.

  • Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Routine visits with your primary care doctor to rule out medical conditions that may be playing a role in your symptoms.

  • Nutritional Response Therapy (Muscle Testing), Nutritional Therapy, or Functional Medicine as alternative medicines to address the root cause of physical and mental health symptoms.

  • Acupuncture, massage therapy or heat therapies as non-invasive and natural ways to manage mental health symptoms or physical pain.

  • Tapping into your spiritual health through nature, religious or spiritual groups, or by taking time to be still each day as you become curious about yourself and the world around you.

  • Keep drugs and alcohol use to a minimum.

  • Minimize stress via exercise, meditation, mindfulness, self-soothing, paced breathing, spending time with loved ones, etc.

  • Limit screen time from your phone, TVs, laptop's etc. The amount of blue light and radiation from these devices can reduce our energy and cause other sleep disruptions (this is not even to mention that the content we consume from shows/movies/news/social media can impact our mood and overall well-being).

  • Increase awareness of the amount of fragrances and chemicals in your products and food and reduce where possible. There continues to be increased research that supports the link between chemicals and psychiatric symptoms.

  • Honor your limits by not overpromising on commitments and choosing to maintain life-giving relationships!

Writer -Katie K LMHC, SUDP


  1. Mental Health Therapy Support – Find a therapist near you or via telehealth:

  2. Enneagram -

  3. Myers-Briggs -

  4. Information on Functional Medicine:

  5. Information on Nutritional Response Therapy (Muscle Testing):

  6. Information on Nutritional Therapy:


Workouts Aligned for Your Enneagram Type


Is Physical Fitness Enough?