The Barbell Guide For Exercise Enthusiasts
Barbell training is a great way to get fit and stay in shape. It allows you to work on your whole body and train multiple muscle groups at the same time. This guide will teach you the different types of barbells and what each is used for. I want you to achieve your fitness goals and what a better way than starting with free weights. You'll learn how versatile bars can be, as well as accessory lifting tools for those who want to advance their workouts. We’ll also talk about some of the different types of barbell movements you can do so you never have an excuse not to train!
The Breakdown
Olympic Weightlifting Bar
Powerlifting Bar
EZ Curl Bar
A standard Barbell is the one that you probably see in most commercial gyms. The standard barbell can be used for all weightlifting including deadlifting, squatting, benching, etc… A standard barbell is more than likely going to have a less aggressive knurl and no center knurling as well as a standard weight (45 lbs.) and size (7 ft.). A standard barbell is most likely not going to have any special bushings or bearings. Along with being the most affordable bar throughout different brands.
Olympic Weight Lifting Bar
The Olympic Weightlifting bar is going to be standardized based on Olympic weightlifting regulations. Olympic weightlifting includes lifts like the “clean and jerk” and “snatch”. In order to do these lifts without risk of injury, the barbell needs to meet specific whip, knurling, rotation, and grip requirements. A good Olympic bar should have an increased whip meaning the bar should be able to bend slightly without breaking in half. The bar should have a less aggressive but medium knurl so that when the bar is spinning in the hands it is not tearing the skin. The sleeves should have bushings that have a controlled stop and the grip should be marked wider in regulation with the Olympic standard lifts. This type of bar is my favorite for many reasons but the main reason is, it just feels good in your hands! You feel safe and confident with this type of bar.
The Power Lifting Bar
A Powerlifting bar is going to need to be able to withstand much more weight than your average barbell, this means the bar is going to have a less flexible whip and a way higher tensile strength. A higher tensile strength means the bar will have little to no bend and will also be able to withstand a ton of weight. You may be thinking this is not a good thing because we mentioned how a flexible whip is important to have in the Olympic bar, but for powerlifting, since you are not snatching or cleaning the bar, it is essential for the bar to not bounce or bend to prevent injury while doing standard lifts like deadlifting, squats, and bench because you are typically lifting much more weight. The knurling on the powerlifting bars are usually quite a bit more aggressive and intense because of the amount of weight being lifted and how important it is to maintain grip on the bar.
The EZ Curl
The EZ Curl bar is made for specifically bicep and triceps curls. The curl of the bar minimizes wrist and elbow pain, as well as shoulder pain while performing various lifts. A good EZ Curl bar should be no more than 10 lbs. and have medium knurling.
Women's Cerakote Olympic Bar - 35 lbs.
Bar Accessories
Post Landmine
Offering a 360-degree rotational pivot provides the ability to perform rotational exercises. Using any Troy, VTX or USA Olympic bar and bumper plates the VTX landmine is the perfect portable piece to take your workouts to a new level. Anyone can use this attachment too! Plus storage for this item is so tiny, you might need a special spot for it so it won’t get lost when not in use.
Post Landmine
Bar Pad
Designed for function, fit and comfort, this bar pad is made of high density 1” foam padding with a heavy-duty neoprene cover that takes the burden off your shoulders and allows the user to work with heavier weights. If you plan on lifting consistently on your shoulders, this pad will save you so so many neck aches.
Commercial Bar Pad
2” Muscle Clamp Collar
Made from hard plastic, Troy’s quality Collar clamps onto all 2” bars with ease to hold plates on bars. I add these to any commercial install I do. They are strong enough to last and easy enough to use quickly.
Muscle Clamps
2” EZ-on Spring Collar with Rubber Grip
These heavy-duty, Olympic EZ-on Collars with plastic grip coverings are comfortably and easily secure to most 2” bars.
Spring Collars
Now that you have an understanding of barbells and which one might be best for you, don’t hesitate to email for more information.